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Server Migration to the Cloud

server migration

Server Migration to the Cloud

server migrationEven though the risks of moving to a cloud environment seem too dangerous, more and more companies are migrating from traditional servers to virtual servers in the cloud. The main difference between cloud and traditional servers is that servers become multi-tenant allowing them to be more energy efficient, redundant, scalable and easier to manage and in some cases more secure than traditional servers.

Whether we discuss about a single server or multiple server migrations, the move to the cloud is a complex process that requires extensive attention. Cloud migration has an important role to play because if the data leaks during the process it can cause a lot of damage to the financial and reputational assets of the company. Cloud migration can occur through multiple methods. Companies willing to adopt cloud computing into their workplace can either start migrating one server at a time or all servers simultaneously. Migrating single servers is a highly popular practice for companies looking to migrate to the cloud because it may be less risky. The chances of losing work efficiency and profitability within the marketplace are less.

Migrating a single server to the cloud has its benefits including reduced risk of downtime, errors due to complexity and the assurance that compliance and security policies are met.

Here are some benefits of moving a single server:

  • It allows for some mistakes to happen during the migration without threatening the processes of the entire company;
  • Possible mistakes will affect less processes and complexities will be easier to assimilate;
  • This kind of migration provides a good learning period for the company to get more comfortable with more complex migrations.

Migrating existing physical and virtual workloads into clouds can be complex and time-consuming without the right planning and preparation. For medium and large enterprises, migrating to the cloud becomes a compounded effort. The organization needs to work towards a migration plan that will achieve the most efficiency, agility and cost savings.

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  • imagoproducts

    July 31, 2013

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